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Yerləşdirilmə tarixi : 11 May 2022 17:30
The next day of "International Week" at SSU
On May 11, the next meeting of the International Week event was held  organized by the department of International Cooperation and Foreign Students.
The event was opened by the vice-rector for International Relations associate professor Gafar Atayev who greeted the participants,introduced  Abbas Abbasov to the participants, he said that a series of events of Sumgayit State University "International Week" took its idea from the policy of national leader Heydar Aliyev, the founder of the Azerbaijani ideology.
At the seminar "Research Methods and Methodology" organized for students and teachers of sociology of the faculty of History and geography he gave small tasks on research, informing about research methods, theory and its importance in the social sciences. The event, which aroused great interest among the participants  ended with a question and answer session.
The event was attended by the dean of the faculty of History and geography professor Adil Bakhshaliyev,heads of departments, head of the Quality Assurance Department Narmin Hasanova , the staff of professor-lecturer.
We  should  note that Nargiz Abdullayeva, a representative of the Academic Management Office of the Natolin Campus of the European College in Belgium, will meet with students at the last event of the International Week.
Translation: Linguistic Center
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