Qarabağ Azərbaycandır!
Yerləşdirilmə tarixi : 07 March 2023 15:52
On March 7, an extended workshop about "Heydar Aliyev and women's politics in Azerbaijan" of the Heydar Aliyev school was held in the Small Auditorium of Sumgayit State University.
The rector of the university, professor Elkhan Huseynov opened the event with his opening speech, first congratulated the women collegues and students of SSU on the occasion of the upcoming March 8 - International Women's Day, and at the same time to the mothers and wives of the martyrs who lost their health in the battles for the people.He conveyed his wishes to the mothers of  soldiers who raised worthy sons to the motherland.
Then, the rector professor Elkhan Huseynov presented an honorary decree to a group of female employees, distinguished by their activity in the public life of the university.
Speaking about the state care given to women, holding the high position in our society, the rector said that the Azerbaijani woman faced trials of history,acts as an active member of the democratic society in our country today. Our women, who provide good turn in various fields of national state building are also active participants in social and political processes. Women in Azerbaijan have always felt themselves as equal members of society in the true sense of the word. This is an integral part of Heydar Aliyev's policy. In the strategic course of the president of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev who successfully and confidently continues the policy of the National Leader, which is based on the unity of tradition and modernity and the principle of political succession, issues such as ensuring gender equality and increasing the activity and role of women in various fields are also important. In this context, the enrichment of the legislative framework, the trusting of women in various areas of state administration, the creation of ample opportunities for their high activity and useful initiatives, the provision of necessary conditions, as well as the implementation of a number of other measures show that the head of state is constantly paying attention to the issue of gender equality.
The rector also drew attention to the fact that the multifaceted activities of the First vice-president of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the President of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation Mehriban Aliyeva. She implemented the projects that are exceptional importance in terms of regulating gender issues, protecting women's rights and increasing her social and political activity.
The following participants made a speech in the event:Rafik Aliyev - professor of the department of literature of Azerbaijan and foreign countries, "Heydar Aliyev and women's politics in Azerbaijan", Khayala Aliguliyeva - associate professor of the department of Solid State and semiconductor physics, "First vice-president Mehriban Aliyeva is a modern head of the institute of statehood of Azerbaijan, a political and public figure", dean of the faculty of Engineering, associate professor Ulduz Aghayev "Azerbaijani woman was chosen by her selflessness in all historical periods", Sadagat Fatullayeva, head of the department of International cooperation and foreign students "The role of Azerbaijani women in the development of our independent state", Susan Ibrahimli - first year student of the faculty of Economics and management "In national statehood and humanism Leyla Aliyeva is one of the main figures". In addition to obtaining free education, developing their physical training and increasing their professional level, women also actively participate in social and political processes and become the founders of society. The ideas of the Great Leader Heydar Aliyev are duly continued by our honorable president Ilham Aliyev and First vice-president Mehriban Aliyeva. Mehriban Aliyeva's services in the humanitarian field, her worldwide projects and the promotion of Azerbaijan are valuable.
Then there were speeches around the report. Rena Dadashova - associate professor of the department of Electrical engineering and energy  called the National Leader the biggest bigot of the Azerbaijani woman, said  the great statesman's speech at the First Women's Congress held in our country and talked about his great appreciation for the Azerbaijani woman. Our employee stated the activities of the President, Commander-in-Chief of our Armed Forces Ilham Aliyev in the field of implementation of gender equality in our country are seen in all spheres.
Translation: Linguistic Center
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