Advancing information-communication technologies (ICT) is of great importance as one of the substantial indicators of intellectual and scientific potential of every country. Rapid improvement and spread of these technologies created wide opportunities for humanity. Recently, complex works executed in this field by our government. Application of information-communication technologies to education and management system are among leading factors affecting development of the country.
On January 30, the debate held at Sumgayit State University on improving “Electronic University” platform.
Rector of University Professor Elkhan Huseynov gave information about executed works in the university in direction of improving management, implemented reforms, new model and its application in the event held by the participation of professor-teacher staff and structure heads. He noted that further improvement of transition to electronization in management of education system has become the key demand of the day and realization of this program will be useful in advancement of education.
Programmer of the project Teymur Hajiyev delivered speech ad notified: “Electronic University” model is software for providing organization of education process, evaluation and management of its results. Its application is characterized by some advantages and opportunities. The information about students, lecturers and alumni placed and lesson schedules, groups on subject, thematic plans of subjects and personal education programs of students included at “Electronic University” platform. Personal cabinet of lecturers and students and exam system sections instituted within the system. Our purpose is to develop the project prepared by Sumgayit State University”.
The questions of attendees responded at the end of the event.
Translation: Linguistic Center