Qarabağ Azərbaycandır!
Yerləşdirilmə tarixi : 06 October 2021 14:27
On October 6, the next meeting was held online in accordance with the decision of the Rectorate of Sumgayit State University No. 275 dated 22.09.2021 on the transition to traditional education, the state of the educational process in Sumgayit State University in the 2021/2022 academic year, the state of the vaccination process among SSU students and discussion of the proposals on other issues.
Rector of SSU Professor Elkhan Huseynov greeted the participants and informed them about the issues on the agenda. He noted that the teaching was carried out at a high level in the current situation and spoke about the development of teaching and scientific activities of the university in all areas.
Director of the Teaching Methodological Center Faig Shirinov and deans of faculties spoke about the organization of the educational process at Sumgayit State University in the 2021/2022 academic year in accordance with the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan No. 275 dated 22.09.2021 on the transition to traditional education. They noted that all issues in accordance with the requirements of the Special Quarantine regime are in the center of attention and are successfully implemented at Sumgayit State University. The limit set by the Cabinet of Ministers on the use of students up to 70% of the total capacity of the auditorium is strictly observed in all faculties. Employees and students over the age of 18 who are not vaccinated or do not have a certificate of immunity are not allowed to enter the university.
Speakers also noted that in order to further reduce the risk of pandemic-related diseases, all faculties provide classes, seminars and laboratory classes in the traditional form, and lectures in the distance. In the first week of the 2021/2022 academic year, student attendance was quite high in traditional and online forms.
Vice-Rector for Humanitarian Affairs, Associate Professor Ramiz Huseynov and deans of the faculties informed about the state of the vaccination process among SSU students. They said that due to the need to vaccinate some students in the first dose in the district, and the second dose in medical institutions in Sumgayit, it was decided to vaccinate those students and non-vaccinated students in an organized way directly at the university. In order to prevent the spread of COVID-19 infection at SSU, regular disinfection works are carried out in the educational buildings of the university and sanitary-epidemiological measures are always in the center of attention.
Vice-rector Ramiz Huseynov also noted that the director of the Teaching Methodological Center Faig Shirinov and the deans of the faculties carried out serious work for the active participation of students in the vaccination process, and the participation of students in the vaccination process was well ensured.
Then the rector instructed the Vice-Rector for Humanitarian Affairs, Associate Professor Ramiz Huseynov, to ensure that the remaining second doses of vaccinated and unvaccinated students will be vaccinated directly at the university as soon as possible.
At the end of the meeting, the rector noted that all proposals should be systematized, proposals for the near and long term should be identified and all possible opportunities should be used to implement these proposals as effectively as possible. With that, the rector"s meeting ended.
Translation: Linguistic Center
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