Today, education in Sumgait is developing in accordance with the pace of comprehensive development of our country, radical and progressive reforms are being carried out in education.
Azerbaijan's science and education is also developing and integrating into the science and education system of leading countries.
The successes of Sumgait State University cause joy and pride in its students, graduates, teaching staff, and in general, all Sumgait residents.
The success of the university is based on constant renewal, staying true to innovative traditions, and keeping up with the dynamic development of the modern era.
It is gratifying that the graduates of Sumgait State University, both in the past and now, have been selected as worthy specialists who meet the quality requirements.
Today, defense councils operate at Sumgayit State University. Numerous dissertations successfully defended in these councils have been approved by the Higher Attestation Commission.
SSU, which always strives for science and innovation, has signed cooperation agreements with a number of well-known universities.
The university is distinguished by its location in the closest distance to the capital and in the center of industry, and at the same time it prepares specialists in both humanitarian and applied specialties.
We can proudly note that this powerful science and education center, as the supporter of Sumgait State Technical College, is the guarantor of its greatest successes and achievements.
According to the signed contracts, the students of the college have production experience at the Ethylene Polyethylene plant of SOCAR "Azerikimya" Production Union, Institute of Polymer Materials of ANAS, Sumgayit Passenger OJSC, Sumgayit City "Shimal" Regional Electric Network, Sumgayit City "Inter Tekstil" OJSC, "Nursoft" LLC.
Today, SSU expands university-college-business relations, improves its social and public activities, and signs successful projects in the direction of adapting education to the requirements of the labor market.
As a continuation of this, on October 9, Sumgayit State Technical College started holding special training classes for taxi drivers in accordance with the appendix Number 1.
In this regard, according to the agreement concluded between the rector of Sumgayit State University, Rufat Azizov, on the one hand, and Ramin Hajiyev, the director of "Driver Training Center" LLC, which is registered under the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan and operates under the Charter, on the other hand, a renovated room in the college building has been allocated for conducting classes, a computer , projector and other equipments are provided.
Lectures were entrusted to associate professor Huseyn Garamammadov from Sumgait State University, senior lecturers Ziyafat Bagirov, Bahruz Allahverdiyev, Mehman Ismayilov, Oktay Shukurov, Elchin Rasulzade from Sumgait State Technical College under SSU.
It should be noted that the lessons will cover general information about the normative legal acts of the Republic of Azerbaijan regulating passenger transportation, general requirements for taxi passenger cars and car drivers ensuring the safety of traffic in passenger transportation by taxi passenger cars, rules for transporting passengers as well as information on the ethical behavior of taxi drivers, first aid, and driver training.