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Yerləşdirilmə tarixi : 12 December 2024 20:19
Kazakh officials visited SSU

On December 10-12, representatives of the Institute of Energy and Mechanical Engineering of the Kazakh National Scientific Research University named after K.Satbayev visited Sumgayit State University (SSU). During the visit, the director of the institute, professor Kasim Elemesov, and the deputy director, associate professor Dinara Baskanbayeva, got acquainted with the university and talked about student-teacher mobility and joint research work. Kasim Elemesov also held a seminar on alternative energy for SSU teachers and students. Later, the guests met with the rector of SSU, Rufat Azizov. Discussions were held at the meeting on inter-university cooperation. As part of the visit, Kasim Elemesov and Dinara Baskanbayeva participated in the opening ceremony of the XXVII Republican Scientific Conference of Doctoral Students and Young Researchers (NASCO XXVII) held at Sumgayit State University.



Sumgait city,
43rd district, Baku street 1,
Phone: +994-018-64-2-15-06