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Home | News | The Republican Spartakiad was recapitulated
Yerləşdirilmə tarixi : 23 May 2016 15:21
The Republican Spartakiad was recapitulated

With the decision of the Presidium of the Republican Committee of Independent Trade Union of Education and the Republic "Youth" Student Sports Association Comitee organization was held the Spartakiad among employees of higher education institutions  dedicated to National Leader Heydar Aliyev's 93 th anniversary.  5 type of sports inluded to the Spartakiad.  (chess, checkers, backgammon, volleyball and table tennis)  First, backgammon, chess and checkers sports competitions was launched. –The games took place at the Chess Club.
11 teams took part in the men's race on the dice. The first place was won by the National Aviation Academy, the second place was won by Azerbaijan State Economic University, the third place  was won by Sumgait State University.
Employees of higher education institutions met in order to determine the most strong play checkers. 7 teams of men and women were represented in the competition. According to the results our university  team won third place.
Translator: Afaq Eminli

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