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Yerləşdirilmə tarixi : 15 September 2017 18:35
“Knowledge Day” was Celebrated in our University

On September 15, the ceremony was held at Sumgayit State University dedicated to the commencement of 2017/2018 academic year and Knowledge day.
After sounding of national anthem, the rector of university prof. Elkhan Huseynov congratulated teaching and student staff on the beginning of new academic year, wished them success in their lives, education and work. He widely spoke about achievements gained on Azerbaijani education and the reforms that were conducted by great leader Heydar Aliyev and now are realized by the President of Azerbaijan Republic Ilham Aliyev. The rector notified that, Heydar Aliyev had always devoted special care to the development of science and education in all stages of state management, as well as tried for intellectual and knowledgeable society. Steady education reforms, foremost ideas in this field and realized purposeful projects contribute to the improvement of education. Speaking about the history and current development stages of the university, the rector emphasized that Sumgayit State University is a higher educational institution which has more than half a century development way; prepares qualified specialists, has a strong material-technical base and enlarges its international relations day by day. He also noted that construction works were completed in 3 buildings of university and Sumgayit State Technical College; the laboratories for conducting scientific-research works were renewed, wide auditoriums were repaired and supplied with heating system, fire safety and internet; the library was enriched. Briefly all these works have been done for the students’ future and they are the result of President Ilham Aliyev’s special care to socio-economic development of regions, as well as scientific-cultural improvement. We believe that thanks to our president, our university will gain great success and stand in the rows of prestigious higher educational institutions.
The speakers informed about the importance of extension of “Contract of the Century” till 2050. SSU staff addressed a letter of congratulation to the President Ilham Aliyev on this occasion.
Student cards and memorable presents were presented to1st course students in the event who were admitted to the university with high score.
Hasan Sadigov the professor of the university, honored teacher; Gunel Rahimli who was admitted to the faculty of History and geography with high score, as well as Gulshan Huseynzade on behalf of masters and the father of Gunel Rahimli with 606 score Gulmammad Hamzayev on behalf of parents made speeches. By talking about state care to education and youth, they congratulated students and wished success to teachers and students in education and in their lives.
The ceremony went on with university march.
On September 15, the event dedicated to Knowledge day was also held in Sumgayit State Technical College that is running under SSU. The chief of the college, assist. Professor Matanat Pirquliyeva congratulated teachers and students and widely spoke about purposeful works done for improvement of education and gained success. She noted that, education as a priority issue in our state’s steady development strategy is always in President Ilham Aliyev’s focus. Mrs. Matanat notified that, by keeping its traditions, the college works for innovations. The ceremony went on with the speeches of pedagogical staff members. The speakers expressed their congratulations and good wishes on occasion of new academic year’s commencement.

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