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Yerləşdirilmə tarixi : 08 November 2017 18:03
The Next Meeting of Scientific Board

With the decision of Scientific Board Ramil Nazifovich Bakhtizin, academician, rector of Ufa State Oil Technical University of Russian Federation, co-chair of the Russian-Azerbaijani Association of Universities from Russia was awarded with the title of honorary doctor of Sumgayit State University

On November 8, the next meeting of Scientific Board was held. Rector Professor Elkhan Huseynov greeted the board members and congratulated a group of co-workers of university on receiving honorary titles as “Tereqqi” medal and “Honored teacher”; he said that it is President Ilham Aliyev’s appreciation of education and education workers. Then the rector brought to attention the issues on agenda.
Rector announced his decision about giving scientific title of “Honorary doctor” of Sumgayit State University to Ramil Nazifovich Bakhtizin. The decision was approved unanimously. 
It should be noted that academician Ramil Bakhtizin has played important role in development of scientific, educational and cultural relations between Ufa State Oil and Chemical University and Sumgayit State University in bachelor, master’s and doctorate degrees. In 2015 Cooperation agreement was signed between Ufa State Oil and Chemical University and Sumgayit State University. According to respective articles of the agreement, senior staff, scientists and students of Sumgayit State University visited Ufa State Oil and Chemical University several times, participated in scientific conferences, Russian-Azerbaijani Universities Association Forums, Student Forums; they also became closely acquainted with material-technical base, teaching management, organization of scientific researches of higher education institutions in Ufa, students’ participation in scientific research and organization of their free time; experience interchange was provided. Also, senior staff, professors, teachers and students of Ufa State Oil and Chemical University got acquainted with activities of Azerbaijani high education institutions, our country’s history and culture. Academician R.N.Bakhtizin has been a guest of SSU for several times, met with university’s co-workers and students and delivered master classes. Representatives of two universities frequently attend scientific conferences held in USOCU and SSU; outcomes of scientific researches are published in “Scientific news” journal mutually.
In the meeting, Isabal Qurbanov, director of Educational Methodological Center talked about the results of mid-term exams and student attendance. Ramazan Mammadov, vice-rector for Science and innovations notified that on October 30, a meeting was held in Turkey, Istanbul University dedicated to cooperation program between high schools of Turkey and Azerbaijan. It was noted that diplomas must be recognized mutually, joint educational programs must be defined, coordination of theoretical knowledge with experience must be provided in order to ensure successful future of cooperation program between Azerbaijani and Turkish high schools.
Finally, participants exchanged ideas and made some suggestions. 

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